Interested in hosting your next event with us? All event inquiries MUST complete the form below. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Type of Event * Event Room You are Requesting * Barrel Room (80 guests max) Barr Room (25 guests max) Date of Requested Event * Please enter the proposed date of your requested event. If you are unsure, please pick a date CLOSEST to what you believe it will be and include more information in the Comments section of this form. MM DD YYYY Start Time of Requested Event * Please enter the proposed start time of your requested event. If you are unsure, please pick a start time CLOSEST to what you believe it will be and include more information in the Comments section of this form. Hour Minute Second AM PM End Time of Requested Event * Hour Minute Second AM PM Expected Number of Guests * Will Catering be Present? * We do not allow outside beverages of any kind on the premises under any circumstances. We highly suggest catering for your event as our food program is not equipped for large volumes. YES NO UNSURE Will Guests Under 21 be Present? * Our space is not able to accommodate events geared towards minors. If you are planning to have guests under 21 please note that this will need to be discussed with our event team. YES NO UNSURE Comments Thank you! Someone from our event team will be in touch shortly.